Watch the latest Webinars from Medical Family Finance and Sandison lang
Financial Education Series: Solving your NHS pension conundrums
Hosted by Paul Hart of financial advisers Medical Family Finance
The NHS pension is ever-changing, as is pension legislation generally, and now the McCloud remedy is in place. What does it mean for your savings and your benefits? Are you aware of Choice 2 revocation where you may be able to change your historic decision about which benefits to take? Are you looking at partial retirement options and considering how to reduce pensionable pay to take this opportunity?
Financial Education Series: What might impact your private practice accounts?
Hosted by William Myatt of accountants Sandison Lang
It is difficult for a busy doctor to stay up to date with financial regulatory changes that can impact the way they do business – whether their private practice is run as a self-employed professional, as a limited company or even as an employee of a larger company.
It is far more efficient to work with an accountant with experience of the issues which arise from your medical choice of vocation – and convoluted calculations are all to easy to get wrong for the non-NHS expert. What are the important decisions you need to make and what must be considered in terms of practice structure, taxation, pension funding and business planning?